A Flickr-based weblog concerning sightings of colourringed gulls, illustrated with photo's from an international group of readers and ringers.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Lesser Black-Backed Gull - YELLOW [E060] / black and Y[E] / black
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus graellsii - Dutch integrade), 7th calendar year
Rotterdam, Europoort, The Netherlands, April 18, 2011. Y[E060]Y[E]. Adult Lesser Black-backed Gull in summer (alternate) plumage. The blackened face and belly of this individual show that it has been resting on a pile of ore, stored in the area for production.
(Ringinfo: ringed as pullus, July 4, 2005, Europoort, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.)
Kleine Mantelmeeuw (Larus fuscus graellsii - Dutch integrade), 7de kalenderjaar
Europoort, Rotterdam, 18 april 2011. Y[E060]Y[E]. Adulte Kleine Mantelmeeuw in zomerkleed. Het zwart op het gezicht en buik verraadden dat dit individu enige tijd op een berg erts doorgebracht heeft.
(Ringdatum: 4 juli 2005, Europoort, Rotterdam. Leeftijd: pullus.)