A Flickr-based weblog concerning sightings of colourringed gulls, illustrated with photo's from an international group of readers and ringers.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Black-headed Gull - RED [U.K] / white
Photo: by Van Kleinwee
Black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus), adult
Leiderdorp, Laan van Berendrecht, The Netherlands, December 25, 2010. Red U.K, Arnhem 3.7xxxxx. Adult Black-headed gull in full winter (basic) plumage.
(Ring info: pending, Dutch ring.)
Kokmeeuw (Chroicocephalus ridibundus), adult
Laan van Berendrecht, Leiderdorp, 25 december 2010. Red U.K, Arnhem 3.7xxxx. Adulte Kokmeeuw in volledig winterkleed.
(Ringdatum: opgevraagd, Nederlandse ring.)